Jessica, with her confident swagger, stunning good looks and spectacular piano skills, was crowned Miss Fullerton and will be headed to Miss California at the end of May.
The toned, elegant and talented pianist/composer Amanda made it into the top five and got a tiara for her brilliant accomplishment.
As for me, well, let's just say I ended up with the 10 other girls who stood back to watch the action from downstage. But I got the uncontested privilege of sharing in the celebration of my two housemates, and as a result, I was the only non-finalist who wasn't trying to choke back tears at the coronation. It was a great moment.
What made the pageant great, in spite of the ups and downs and stagefright, was how the Decadox teamed up to make it happen. Melissa loaned me a dress and swimsuit; Cheryl helped accessorize us and do hair and makeup. Katie made us signs we could read from the stage and put together a "pageant emergency kit" with everything from shimmer lotion and hair gloss to bobby pins and baby powder. She even bought me a bouquet at the end, which made my night! And I can't forget all the prayers and encouragement everyone offered for me as I struggled with a bad case of nerves.
All the girls -- except for Claire, who had to keep California Adventure running -- showed up to cheer loudly and proudly for us. I think we were the most loved little pageant girls there last night.
Here's a toast to our resident beauty queens, and to the house that carried us through it all. Viva la Decadox!