The Decadox girls affectionately referred to Melissa as Biola's first lady because she was dating the student government president, Eric Weaver.
The nickname was doubly meaningful because their story really did begin with politics. When several Biola students went to California's Republican Convention, Michelle encouraged Melissa to take the last ticket. When Sarah Palin spoke at the Home Depot Center, Michelle urged her to "need a ride" from Eric.
Melissa had always thought that Eric was a hearthrob and only slightly abused her journalism privileges by arranging to interview him for a Chimes article her junior year. Now it was her senior year and fate had presented another chance with Eric Weaver. Before the phone call, the rest of us were only aware of Melissa's nervous struggle by her giggling fits, frantic rationalizations that he wouldn't think she was weird, and violent back-flops onto the couch. But sure enough, Eric fell for the bait and they started "hanging out" soon after the convention.
And now they're engaged!