Saturday, October 11, 2008

Help Us Name the House

We invite you, our readers, to vote on a name for our lovely abode.

The choices are as follows:

1. The Shelter -- a play on the fact that the house has sheltered at least 2 stray dogs during the past 3 months. Also rife with spiritual overtones.

2. The Decadox -- a play on the fact that 10 girls live here (deca) and it's full of ... paradoxes?

3. The Naughty Fox -- inspired by names of British pubs, this name expresses the spunk of the house. But it has also been criticized for possible risque shades of meaning.

4. The Abyss -- if you really don't like the house, if you feel trapped or possibly smothered by the house, and/or if you like undertones of spiritual warfare, this would be a good pick.

PS -- If all the names seem lame, write us a comment and suggest a better one!


the Chimes Online said...

I nominate Castle Anthrax. I'm pretty sure that it would get a lot of votes. If that doesn't work then how about Alpha: south campus?

Michelle said...

I dunno, Chimes Online. My only impression of Castle Anthrax was a clip I had to pause in the middle due to questionable content. This house is SO ABOVE such antics.

gailylizabeth said...

This should have a picture of the house so people can get a feel of what they're voting for.

Next poll: house theme song.

daphne2penelope said...

The DollHouse, because ya'all are dolls. ;)


gailylizabeth said...

Oh, I think I like Helen's comment.

Or we could just say Frances. Or St. Frances.

gailylizabeth said...

OH. Here is a message I received from a boy regarding the matter:


I just read your blog on "help us name this house"

and I hate to say this, but they're all a little lame. The best one is "The Naughty Fox" but I agree with the concerns of being too risque.

Joking suggestions:

The Ranch
The Palms
Casa del Mar
The Convent
The Distillery

Michelle said...

It is a widely accepted fact that boys don´t know how to name houses. Take that, anonymous boy!