The ladies of the house have decided to kick off a little competition. The goal of this competition is to see who is the most wifelike. This competition was created after some girls were doing many domestic activities and wearing cute aprons. We figured that it would be fun to spur on one another to care better for the house and each other through this competition.
As we have had some men be very chivalrous and kind to the women of the house, we also have decided to include a "Man" competition. Eligible men are those who creatively find ways to serve the women of the house. Their names will be written on the white board, and as they continue to do chivalrous activities, they may gain points in a similar way that the women of the house earn "Wife points".
The contest will commence today (11/22/08) and end with the announcing of our winner at our Christmas party on December 6th.
In order to win wife points, the person who acted in a wifely manner, must inform another lady of the house, and the lady who is informed MUST post the activity that was completed in the comments section of this post. For man points, the lady who had a man treat them in a gentlemanly manner must post the action within the comments section of the post.
On December 6th, we will count up the points and the winner of the wife and man points will receive a special prize.
In order to earn wife or man points, you must follow the rules. Negative points may be applied for bad behavior.
Rules on wife points:
- Must do something altruistic, not just your own chores (i.e. cooking for A GROUP, doing a chore that’s not your own, decorating the house, etc.)
- One other house member must know about the deed and verify it. That other house member gives the actual point and writes it in a comment on the Wife Points blog entry.
- The deed must have some relation to the house: must be made in the house, done for the house or done for a house member.
- You can lose wife points for
- Domestic violence (pushing, hitting or kicking a house member)
- Leaving messes for other people to clean up
- Rude acts: hogging the driveway, putting too many to go boxes in the main fridge
- Leaving on too many lights/wasting energy
- You may not award yourself points.
Rules on Man Points
- Must do something altruistic toward a girl in the house or the house itself. Must be a sweet, out of the ordinary or “above and beyond.”
- A house member may give the man a point. They must write this deed in the comments section of the Wife Points blog entry.
- The deed must have some relation to the house or house member, but doesn’t need to be performed in the house.
- You can lose man points for
- Coming over uninvited
- Harassing a member of the house or pulling a mean prank
- Rude acts: sexual innuendos, excessive boy humor, dominating a conversation
- You may not award yourself points, add or erase any points.
Feel free to read through the comments section to gain clever ideas of ways to be a servant in either wifelike or gentlemanly activities.
This is all just fun and games, however we do realize that the Lord calls us to serve and encourage one another:
Hebrews 10:24-25
"And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the the more as you see the day [of the Christmas party] drawing near." (Brackets added by Amanda)
The Decadox