The resolve to make our last pep rally a spirited one was underscored by the fact that we’re seniors. So we all pitched in with the preparations for a red hot night: Claire and Gail fetched the paint, teasing comb and of course, the all-important glitter,
Jessica expertly applied make-up before passing the rowdies off to Claire, who wielded her curling iron skillfully for the two hours before we left. Unfortunately for Kate, Claire didn’t have time to do her hair and she had to go with an au natural look. Dude, check out the fro! (Actually, Kate obliged when I begged her to show me how rockin’ her curly hair could be.)
Clarita’s bumper sticker buggy hauled most of us over to school where we quickly positioned ourselves in the middle of the mob in front of Chase Gymnasium. If college has taught us anything, it’s never miss out on free stuff. That said, we took advantage of the free red and white pom-poms and entered to win a Corolla before we practiced our cheesy, homemade chants (which we actually didn’t use) before the doors opened.

Once we charged inside, we screamed until our (Gail’s) voices were hoarse. The Biola basketball teams were great, Xopoc, as always, flashed their superb dance moves and the Biola cheerleading team surprised us again by being good. One of the most notable highlights, however, was the Biola Eagle. More specifically, our Biola Eagle, CHERYL! As part of AS Social Board, Cheryl gets to, among other things, dance with anonymous abandon in front of the whole school in a big fluffy eagle costume.
Once we charged inside, we screamed until our (Gail’s) voices were hoarse. The Biola basketball teams were great, Xopoc, as always, flashed their superb dance moves and the Biola cheerleading team surprised us again by being good. One of the most notable highlights, however, was the Biola Eagle. More specifically, our Biola Eagle, CHERYL! As part of AS Social Board, Cheryl gets to, among other things, dance with anonymous abandon in front of the whole school in a big fluffy eagle costume.
After all that preparation, the event only lasted for 45 minutes. Oh well-- it was definitely fun just being together. Afterward, some of us went over to Molcasalsa, a hole in the wall, 24-hour Mexican restaurant, a traditional place to go after a big school event. We split some greasy carne asada nachos (so worth it) and just chatted in the glow of the red neon lights. I didn't think anything could make Michelle's face look redder, but apparently I was wrong.
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