Merry Christmas from all the Decadox girls!
We hope your holidays were full of family, good food, great memories and joyful remembrance of the birth of our Messiah.
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
So today, I called Janelle to see if she wanted to go to lunch at the cafeteria with me. I didn't think much of it when the call went straight to her voicemail. Stupid me. I forgot she was going to NYC!Why? Just because she' s awesome like that. Yep. She got a sweet airline deal and decided to go with her attr.., er, amiable cousin Brett, who currently has 2 man points. Unfortunately, this means neither of them will be able to come to the party we're having on Saturday. That doesn't mean you can't come, though. Have fun, J! We'll miss you.
fundraising right now. It sounds like her group is fantastic and everything is falling into place--no surprises there. Go in peace, Julie!
This spate of traveling isn't really new, I guess. We're all splitting up across the country over Christmas. Amanda is visiting Gail to milk cows in good ol' Pennsylvania and Melissa is dropping in on Claire in New Hampshire. Cheryl heads up to Seattle and Kate east to Arizona. James Browning, our good Ohio friend, may even tag along with some Decadox members on an NYC trip.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. We still have to plod through the last 2 weeks of the semester. Lord, grant us mercy.
As we are an environmentally aware house, we decided to put the 3 trashbags of toilet paper to good use. Jono obliged by helping us roll it up. Thanks, Jono!
The Decadox proudly stores an old, beautiful, out-of-tune, damper-pedal-less piano in our living room. It thus behooves us to hold a piano playing challenge when our musical guests arrive. Our first two contestants are below, but soon to come are actual Decadox members showing their skills. Take a moment to vote for your favorite performance.
Rob Stevenson, with the classic romantic ballad "Just the Way You Look Tonight." Backed up by a skeptical Eric Weaver.
Scott Munekawa, with the rousing "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay, backed up by a supportive Katie Trent.